A series of articles that shed some light on topics like genetics, population genetics, DNA test and coat colour inheritance.
Over twenty years ago the first pups were born in our home. A lot has changed over the years but one thing stayed the same: all pups are born and raised in our living room. They get used to everyday sounds and activities, and play with our other dogs.
Not all dogs you'll see on this site live with us; we simply wouldn't be able to give them the active life they deserve. A lot of our dogs live in foster homes where they receive the love, attention and work they deserve.
Foster homes wanted
From time to time we are looking for permanent foster homes for one of our pups/dogs (from our own breeding or bought from another breeder) to make it possible for our kennel to keep interesting bloodlines and to make sure that the dogs have a perfectly fine dog life with all the attention, love and work/sport which they need. This way we can continue with the lines and dogs that we find important but also to make sure that the dogs that live in our home can stay there for their entire lifes, despite suitability for breeding and/or age. People who are interested to experience the process of breeding closely but who don't have any aspiration for breeding on their own can always contact us for more information.
What's new
Pages that are new or recently changed are listed here.