OopsNice of you to Come Bye Quite Unique

Pedigree Number NHSB 3003308
Pedigree Name Nice of you to Come Bye Quite Unique
Name Oops
Gender Female
Coat Colour Lilac merle
Date of birth 28 April 2015

Test Results



Gaico uit Huize ter Beuken

HD: A1, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Crezip of the Breeding Brain

HD: B, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Qualified To Come By Of Pinewood Country

HD: A; NBW30, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Karrider Cresta Run

HD: A; NBW 38, Clinical Eye test: Free, DNA CEA: Normal, DNA TNS: Normal

Enigma Of Pinewood Country

HD: B, DNA CEA: Normal